Hyfrecator treatment is a form of electrocautery or the use of electrical energy burning instead of excision. It involves the use of a tiny needle equipped with an electrical probe that burns off skin lesions and skin tags when inserted into the skin. These are low-power levels of electricity that will not injure the surrounding skin or deeper layers of skin tissue. Our certified laser technicians’ accuracy and dedication to patient care will leave you feeling confident at your initial consultation. Hyfrecator procedures can safely be used on the face and many areas of the body.

An ANEU Med Spa, we are proud to offer advanced lesion and skin tag removal in Madison, WI with the hyfrecator procedure. To discuss hyfrecator and other treatment options for skin rejuvenation, schedule a consultation today with our licensed aestheticians and certified laser technicians.

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For small areas on the face, hyfrecator treatment only takes 10-15 minutes. Lesion or skin tag treatment on larger areas of the body can take up to 45 minutes. The area can be numbed with local anesthesia or Pro Nox can be added to your treatment to maximize your comfort. Only 1-2 treatments are needed for optimal results.



Hyfrecator treatment requires virtually no downtime and patients can return to work from a comfort standpoint, however, mild scabbing of the treated skin is common and can take about 10 days to fully heal so we want to plan accordingly for special events. During this time, it is important to avoid direct sun exposure and use broad-spectrum sunscreen when outside. Keep your skin moisturized and avoid picking at the healing scab to prevent scarring.

Almost any patient bothered by the appearance of benign skin lesions can benefit from hyfrecator electrosurgery. However, those who are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a pacemaker might not be candidates. A consultation with our expert team of skin specialists is necessary to determine whether you are a candidate for hyfrecator treatment.

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