Kybella in MADISON, WI


Want a profile that wows?! Fight genetics with Kybella! Kybella is an FDA approved fat dissolving injectable for the stubborn double chin, mild skin laxity/looseness, and overall improvement of facial profile of the neck/jawline.

The active ingredient in KYBELLA™ is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. You will be thrilled with the long lasting results of a more chiseled jawline and profile!



Your provider will customize your KYBELLA™ treatment regimen, including how many treatments you need, based on your desired chin profile. Topical Numbing cream is applied prior to the treatment for 10-15 minutes and the actual injections only take a few minutes.

On average patients need 1-3 treatments depending on their desired results. Many patients experience visible contouring of their chin profile even after 1 treatment. Treatments are spaced at least one month apart. Additionally, you may expect notable swelling and tenderness for several days to worst case several weeks after your treatment – this is normal (swelling means it’s working!)

Full results are seen 12 weeks after the last treatment. Once the aesthetic goal is achieved, re-treatment with KYBELLA® is not expected. If you maintain your body weight – it’s PERMANENT!!!

Kybella is safe for almost all patients who want to remove unwanted fat from beneath the chin. It’s a great treatment option for those who do not want to undergo a surgical procedure!

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