

Similar to Emsculpt, Emface utilizes HIFES electromagnetic and RF energy

We recommend a series of at least 4 treatments spaced 1 week apart to work on toning the facial muscles. With age, our faces not only lose collagen and elastin, but also bone and muscle degrade leading to less volume and more laxity. Emface improves tone, quality and density of the skin by focusing on the elevator muscles only, not the depressor muscles.

Areas to treat: Forehead, cheeks, and submental

  • Studies show a series of 4 treatments show:
    • 37% fewer wrinkles
    • 30% improved skin tone
    • 23% more lift in the eyes and jawline

Similar to Emsculpt, Emface utilizes HIFES electromagnetic and RF energy

We recommend a series of at least 4 txs spaced 1 week apart to work on toning the facial muscles. With age, our faces not only lose collagen and elastin, but also bone and muscle degrade leading to less volume and more laxity. Emface improves tone, quality and density of the skin by focusing on the elevator muscles only, not the depressor muscles.

  • Studies show a series of 4 treatments show:
    • 37% fewer wrinkles
    • 30% improved skin tone
    • 23% more lift in the eyes and jawline


Icon | ANEU Medical Spa, LLC | Madison | McFarland, WI




Indicated to last up to 2 years with full correction! Who wouldn’t love that?

Juvéderm Voluma XC is injected into the deep tissues of the cheeks or chin to augment the cheekbones and chin while smoothing deep facial folds and wrinkles.

Icon | ANEU Medical Spa, LLC | Madison | McFarland, WI


Juvederm Ultra is the OG of the Juvederm Collection! This miracle product can be used to pump deflating lips, address lip lines around the mouth, soften smile lines and down-turned corners of the mouth! Indicated to last up to 1 year with full correction in a given treatment area.

Icon | ANEU Medical Spa, LLC | Madison | McFarland, WI


Juvederm Ultra Plus is the big sister to Juvederm Ultra. It has a slightly larger molecule size of the hyaluronic acid, meant for deeper folds/wrinkles on the face. Indicated to last up to 1 year with full correction in a given treatment area.


Beofre and After


You will meet with one of our expertly trained Injectors that specialize in facial aesthetics, anatomy, and facial proportions. We will assess your face and thoroughly discuss your concerns and aesthetic goals to develop a customized treatment plan. Your treatment will take on average about 1 hour. This will consist of ‘before’ photos to document your progress – these are HIPAA compliant – and just for you and your provider to better appreciate your amazing results! Then a topical numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area for about 15 minutes. For even added comfort – you may add on Pro-Nox – Nitrous oxide gas to even offer more comfort and relaxation with your treatment.

Immediately prior to injecting our Nurse Injectors will scan the treatment area with a Clarius Ultrasound, so that we have the best understanding of your unique anatomy to ensure the safest treatment possible. The actual treatment itself on average only takes 10-20 minutes of your 1 hour appointment. We will review your post care in detail and send you home with a copy to review. Some noticeable improvements are typically seen the same day! Full results are seen at 2 weeks approximately post treatment. For new patients and new treatments areas we always encourage you to come back for follow-up photos so we can compare and contrast and see how you are aging in reverse!

Since hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the human body, most healthy men and women who want to restore volume loss or enhance their natural features are candidates for Juvéderm. Our nurse injectors will perform a thorough health history prior to your treatment to ensure you are a good candidate to obtain the best results possible!

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Healthy adults who want to prevent wrinkle formation (the best wrinkle is the one that never forms!) or for treating wrinkles that are already present. Consultations with our Injectors to assess your face is the best way, so that we may design a treatment plan that will suit your aesthetic goals with achieving natural, artistic, and safe results in mind! 

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